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BG Twenty 20 Cricket

title:BG Twenty 20 Cricket
download page:link
developer:Spoonbill Software
release:February 2017
features:text, sound, visuals
last edit by:Dark


BG Twenty 20 Cricket is the first of Ian Humphries Spoonbill games to move away from the field of word, card and traditional type games and into the realms of sport.

The game lets you play a match of Twenty 20 Cricket against another team, selecting the Bowlers and Batsmen from your available team members, observing all the somewhat obscure rules, and even terminology of the sport of Cricket. Gameplay is tactical in terms of which team members you select and whether you choose to bat conservatively or aggressively, and the game even features a large range of sounds and ambience to give you as clear an impression of the game as possible, with yorkers, legspins and of course that immortal "How's that!", you can even argue with the Umpire if you want (though that's of course not playing the game).

For a clear idea of how the game works, Ian Humphries has recorded This audio demonstration (which should be especially helpful to those less familiar with cricket in general)

In addition to the Cricket game itself, the program also contains the team builder which will let you create and edit your own teams to add to the roster available to you and the computer.

As is usual with Ian Humphries games, the game is self voicing with ms sapi, and is absolutely free to download and play, so should be a treat to all Cricket fans.


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Updates: entry 2 Feb 22 and description 2 Feb 22

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